These are my notes from "The Innovation Stack: Building an Unbeatable Business One Crazy Idea at a Time" by Jim McKelvey. Jim is a cofounder of Square along with Jack Dorsey. This is an insightful and entertaining book.

Entrepreneurship: Find a problem and learn how others have solved it. If nobody has, try something different, even though this will feel weird. When your new solution creates new problems, repeat the process. Copy what you can but invent when necessary, and keep going until you finally have a solution, knowing that the accolades will arrive only after they are irrelevant.
Qualification exists only in the world of copying, not in the world of entrepreneurship. If you were waiting for qualification, you can only ever be qualified for something that has already been done.
Right feels early. If the timing feels right you’re probably too late.
Living behind a wall long enough not only causes people to become comfortable with their circumstances but they also start to believe there is nothing beyond the wall.
Commitment can substitute for qualification.